Welcome to the Ontario Centre for Forest Defoliator Control
The Ontario Centre for Forest Defoliator Management is a private company resource that deals with LDD (Spongy Moth) outbreaks, as well as other forest defoliators such as the Forest Tent Caterpillar and, Hemlock Looper. It has become clear that most municipalities do not want to be offering pest control services for private property, and the Ontario MNRF have taken the do-nothing approach, the pest will go away on its own when the cycle ends.
Our team of experts, originating from Zimmer Air Services Inc. has been actively engaged in the delivery of private programs to the individual, cottage association, maple syrup producer since the introduction of btk products in Canada in the early 1980’s.
Because these pest outbreaks are not constantly present the need for this service may go from non-existent in one year, to overwhelming demand the next. This has placed an unsustainable workload on the staff of aerial application companies which is why there is very little interest from them. Zimmer Air Services Inc. continued to offer the service; however, this did reduce their ability to address the needs of their regular business clients which they need to service to ensure the company’s success and survivability allowing them to offer this service to the public on the sporadic basis of pest outbreaks which may be only once every several years.
Although our primary focus is in the Province of Ontario we are capable and have delivered effective control programs out of province if deemed appropriate.
The role of the Ontario Centre for Forest Defoliator Control is to offer the setup and execution of effective and affordable aerial application programs.
Should you wish to obtain more information on a control program please review the wealth of information on this website. We have an information request form attached. Fill it out and someone will get back to you.
We also have a Toll-Free number to call, however you may need to leave a message and wait for a return call. This line will not be staffed at all times but will be monitored daily during the business week.